Thursday, March 24, 2022

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Written by: Pravallika D V , Shalini D N( 1st year MCA)


This works describes how artificial intelligence can be used in is being used in educational Sector. According to the 21-set international conference on AI in education held in 2020, AIED is one of the currently emerging fields in educational technology’s the use of ai is Still unclear for the educators how to make pedagogical advantage of it on Broder scale and how ai can impact on teaching and learning in higher education. The impact of Ai in Education and cons are presented here.

KEYWORDS - Artificial intelligence, AIED, emerging, Pedagogical.


According to the report, experts anticipate that the use of AI in the education to grow by 43% in the period of 2018-2022.Application of AI in education has been subject of research from the past of 30 years. The report made by research and markets, in 2019 global AI Education market Reached $1.1billion and estimated to reach over $25.7 billion by 2030. The precursors on the application of AI education are found in the works of the psychologists B. F. Skinner, also known as the father of behaviorism Who was a professor at Harv Harvard University from 1948 Until his retirement in 1974, and Sidney presses who was a professor at Ohio State university in the 1920’s.


The International Artificial Intelligence in education society (AIED) is an Interdisciplinary community at the frontiers of the fields of computer, education and psychology. The intimate AIED society was Launched on 1 st January 1997. It gathers researchers by holding the international journal of AI in education (IJAIED) and AIED conference Series in general, there are four areas of AIED in academic support Services, and institutional and administrative services such as profiling and prediction, Assessment and Evaluation, Adaptive systems, Personalization and intelligent tutoring systems. The field of AI is both Innovative and derivative. Artificial Intelligence is an emerging technology that started modifying educational tools and institutions. Education is a field where the presence of teachers is must which is the best educational practice the advent of Artificial intelligence changes the teacher’s job who are irreplaceable in the education System. The AI uses mainly advanced analytics, deep learning and machine learning for Monitoring the speed of a particular individual among the others. As the solutions in AI Continue to get to higher level it helps to identify the gaps in teaching and learning and increases the proficiency of education. AI can drive efficiency, personalization and Streamline admin tasks to allow teachers the time and freedom to provide understanding and adaptability uniquely human capabilities where machines would struggle. With the Combination of machines and teachers it is possible to pull out the best results from student. 


At present young people end to use lot of time using their smartphone or tablets, this gives Them a chance to study for ten to fifteen mints in their free time using AI application.AI Helps us understand the mood ease of student during the lectures by using gesture recognition technology. since AI become more sophisticated the machine reads the facial expressions or Gesture of the student is struggling to understand the lecture and alter the lesson so that the,

1.Student and uses the to know if the student is struggling to understand the lecture and the Alter the lesson so that the student can follow up easily.

2.The customization of academic curriculum can be done by AI powered machine; AI tools can make the lesson so that student a follow up easily

3. The customization of the academic can be done by AI powered machines A tools can make global classrooms possible curriculums including people who are usually or hearing impaired. This can also help student who cannot attend due to illness it also helps in, Presentation translator provides subtitles in real-time made, which is an AI based system Application. for example, with the help of google translate student can read and hear in Their national language.


There are lot of teach driven solutions in their industry of education like dream box, khan academy, achieves 3000 etc.… there are several education platforms based on AI technology

1 Third space learning

2 little dragon


4 Brainy

5 Thinker math

6 Carnegie learning

The third space learning system was created with the help of scholars from a London university college. It helps to recommended the ways to make the teaching techniques Better, like giving a warning when the explanation of teacher is either slow or very fast, the little dragon creates smart application that analyze the user’s facial expression or Gestures and adopt the user interface accordingly. Little dragon also creates educational Games for kids. Several companies such as Carnegie learning and content technology started implementation Of educational high level educational system from pre-kg to college level by developing High level instruction design and digital platforms. An online service called cram101 by the company CTI uses artificial intelligence to study the Text books and theoretical papers .


There are six main steps to an AI platform for education

Step1 . study the existing solution .

Step2. Consider the content of the application which should be both interesting as well as Interactive

Step3. Discuss the requirement of your project with the development team.

Step4.the application should be thoroughly and properly tested to avoid bugs

Step5.promote the app and get the feedback after its release.

Step6.update your app regularly.


Despite of the opportunity AI offers there might also be some potential risk with it AI is likely to become either the best or the worst thing that might happen to humanity AI could support teaching and learning but new ethical implication and risks emerges With the development of ai applications in higher education.

Example: one such ex is due to the ongoing corona virus pandemic and the budget Cuts the administrators might think of replacing teaching with profitable automated AI solution if the usage of AI in education increases there might be chance that Personal interactions get decreed and students get technology addicted and sometimes this may hurt the learners instead of helping them. The faculty members, student counsellors teaching assistants and administrative staff Might get feared that the intelligent tutor system which is application of ai might replace them. 


AI in education is our evolutionary change. According to a report issued by enter for integrative research in computer and learning science states that the next level uses ai in education is not yet invented .so the people working an ai application should yet the educators and education policy makers know about this in depth, although there are several cons of using ai in educational sector.

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