Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Data mining is a process of extracting hidden predictive information from the extensive database. Data mining is used by the organization to turn raw data into useful information. Most of the organization use different software to look at pattern in large batches of data. A businessman can learn more about their client’s behaviour toward your business by using the software.

Goals of Data Mining:
  • Prediction: Determine how certain attributes will behave in the future.
  • Identification: Identify pattern in data
  • Classification: Partition data into classes
  • Optimization: Optimize the use of limited resources such as time, space, money or materials.
Application of Data Mining:
  • Data mining has opened a world of possibilities for business.
  • This field of computational statistics compares millions of isolated pieces of data and is used by companies to detect and predict consumer behaviour.
  • Data mining is playing is crucial role in business wants to know the customer relationship and market analysis.
  • Apart from that, it is also helpful in science, medicine, human rights, games, and many more.
Some application domains
-Biomedical and DNA data analysis
-Financial data analysis
-Retail industry
-Telecommunication industry

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Gi-Fi [Next Generation of Wireless Technology]

3rd Sem B.Sc(EMCs)

  • It was developed by professor Stan Skafidis of Melbourne University.
  • Gi-Fi or Gigabit wireless is the world’s first transceiver integrated on a single chip that operates at 60GHz on the complementary metal-oxidesemiconductor(CMOS).
  • Gi-Fi allows wireless transfer of audio and video data up to 5gigabits per second.
Architecture of Gi-Fi

  • The core component of a Gi-Fi system is the subscriber station.
  • It supports standard of IEEE 802.15.3C wireless PAN networks.
  • An 802.15.3C based system often uses small antenna at the subscriber station. The antenna is mounted on the roof.
  • It supports line of sight operation.
Working Principle

  • Gi-Fi will use time division duplex(TDD) for both transmission and receiving. TDD is the application of time-division multiplexing to separate outward and return signals.
  • Here data files are converted from IF range to RF60Ghz range by using 2 mixers and we will feed this to a power amplifier, which feeds millimetre wave antenna.
  • The incoming Rf single is first down converted to an IF singles cantered at 5GHz and then to normal data ranges.
  • We use heterodyne construction for this process to avoid leakage due to direct conversion.
  • Due to availability of 7GHz spectrum the total data will be transferred within second.
Features of Gi-Fi
  • High speed of data transmission
  • Low power consumption
  • High security
  • Cost effective
  • Small size
  • Highly portable, high mobility
Future Scope

Within five years, we expect Gi-Fi to be the dominant technology for wireless networking. By that time it will be fully mobile, as well as providing low-cost, high broadband access, with very high speed large files swapped with in a second. Gi-Fi potentially can bring wireless broadband to the enterprise in a entirely new way.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Sensor Technology

Rakshitha M
5th Sem B.Sc.[PME] 

Sensor is a device which detects the changes in the environment and gives information to the electrical components.

Classification of sensor

Analog sensors

  • Accelerometers
  • Light sensors
  • Sound sensors
  • Pressure sensors
  • Analog temperature sensors

Digital sensors

  • Switches
  • Infrared detectors
  • Digital accelerometers
  • Digital temperature sensors

Types of sensors

  • Temperature Sensor: It is used in building chemical process plants, engines, appliances, computers and many other that require temperature monitoring.
  • Accelerometer: It is used to measure along one axis and insensitive to orthogonal directions.
  • Light Sensor: It is composed of photo conductors such as photo resistors, photo diode or a photo transistors.
  • Magnetic field: It is used for power steering security or current measurements.
  • Ultrasonic sensors: It measures distance by sound waves.
  • Co2: It is the measurement of co2 used in indoor air quality.

Working of sensor

The specific inputs such as light, heat, moisture, motion, pressure or any one of the other environmental change can be sensed by the sensor and the output is converted to human readable display at the sensor location.

Quantities that can be sensed

  • Motion
  • Force
  • Pressure
  • Flow
  • Velocity and acceleration
  • Sound
  • Moisture
  • Light
  • Radiation
  • Temperature

Sunday, December 27, 2020


 Taskeen Fathima S
1st Sem BCA, NCMS

The electric fuse is a device which is used to limit the current in an electric circuit. It safeguards the circuit and the appliances connected in the circuit from being damaged if the current in the circuit exceeds the specified value due to Voltage fluctuations are short circuiting. It consists of a fuse wire F which is stretched between the two metal terminal. The holder fits into a porcelain socket. The fuse wire is a short and thin piece of wire if a material of low melting point. Generally, the fuse wire is made up of an a alloy of led and thin, having 50% of each metal.


If the insulation on the wire of cable used in wiring breaks, the live wire comes in a contact with the neutral wire which results in a short circuit. Maximum current then passes through the wires which can cause burning of the wires due to the excessive heat. Similarly, due to voltage fluctuations, sometimes high current flows through the wires that can cause burning of wires. To prevent this damage, a fuse is a connected to the live wire of the circuit. When there is a short circuit, the fuse wire gets heated up to the extent that it melts. As a result, a gap is produced in the live wire and the circuit becomes incomplete or breaks. No current then flows and the appliance or the circuit is saved. After removing the fault in the circuit or the appliance, a new fuse wire is fixed between the terminals in the holder to complete the circuit again.


1. Fuse wire is connected in the series with the live wire it’s temperature rises much faster than the connecting copper wires when an excessive current flows because it’s resistance is higher than of the connecting copper wires.

2. The thickness of a fuse wire depends on the current rating of it. Higher the rating, thicker is the wire. It means that 15 A fuse is thicker than the 5 A fuse. The heating of fuse wire does not depend on its length.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


5th Sem BCA

Excessive dependence on autonomous vehicles (AVs) may exacerbate traffic congestion and increase exhaust emissions in the future. The diffusion of AVs may be significantly affected by the public’s acceptance. A few factors that may affect people’s acceptance of AVs  have been researched in the existing studies, one-third of which cited behavioural theories, while the rest did not. A total of seven factors with behaviour theories are screened out that significantly affect the acceptance intention, including perceived ease of use, attitude, social norm, trust, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, and compatibility. Public acceptance of the different types of AVs and consumer’s dynamic preferences for AVs are highlighted in the review too. The quality of literature is systematically assessed based on previously established instruments and tailored for the current review. The results of the assessment show potential opportunities for future research, such as the citation of behaviour theories and access to longitudinal data. Additionally, the experimental methods and the utilization of mathematical and theoretical methods could be optimized.


  • Computer vision (how a car sees)
  • Sensor fusion (how a car understand its environment)
  • Localization (how a car knows it location)
  • Path planning (how a car thinks about the most optimal route)
  • Control (how a car steers the wheel)


  • Decreased the number of accidents
  • Lessens traffic jams
  • Stress free parking
  • Time saving vehicle
  • Accessibility to transportation


  • Expensive
  • Safety and security concerns
  • Prone to hacking
  • Fewer job opportunities for others
  • Non-functional sensors

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Sangeetha R
3rd Sem BCA, NCMS

Teleportation is a hypothetical transfer of (matter or energy) object from one place to another without traversing physically. It seems possible in quantum mechanics. Teleport is both tangible matter and intangible information. The thing is an object can’t be transferred whole physical, but information about object can be and it can be reconstructed in another place, it’s not duplication its literal transport. As quantum electrons and atoms are interpreted as collection of distinct properties like momentum, position etc these give quantum state identity. In the same way an object can be expressed in form of collective quantum atoms.

Due to uncertainty principle it's not possible to measure momentum n position at same time. To measure position of e- particle of light is needed which would change the momentum of e-, this leads to info loses.

This problem can be resolved by quantum entanglement.

By endangering the spin of 2electrons, by this the quantum state of 1st e- qubit can influence the 2nd e- without interrupt. Only drawback is the initial interaction must be near.

The concept cannot be implemented in present real world.

But this concept is used in many sic-fic, time travel movies and novels. But for now its only possible to teleport single quantum atoms within small distance i.e, quantum computers  secured data encryption. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Hyper Loop

5th Sem BSC(PME)

Hyperloop  concept was invented and designed in 1812 by    the  British Mechanical Engineer George Wenger. The concept of hyperloop is now developed and redesigned by the Billionaire Elon Musk in 2012.Hperloop is in some countries registered trademark of the Space Exploration Technology Corporation for the high speed transportation of passengers and goods in partially evacuated tubes, d Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation, used to describe an open source Vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX.

Components of Hyperloop


The tube will be supported by pillars which constrain the tube in the vertical direction but allow longitudinal slip for thermal expansion as well as damped lateral slip to reduce the risk posed by earthquakes, Because of constrained pillars to tube joints will also allow a smoother ride. The average spacing is 100ft(30m), which means their will be near 25,000pillars supporting both tubes and solar panels. The pillars will be 20ft(6m)tall, but it may vary in height in hilly areas or where obstacles are in the way.

Working Principle

Principal of hyperloop is based on the property of Magnetic Levitation. The pods would accelerate to cruising speed gradually using a linear electric motor and glide above their track using passive magnetic is levitated and propelled forward using powerful electromagnets and reduces losses due to friction. The absence of air in the hyperloop will further increases the efficiency by nearly eliminating losses due to air drag and make it much faster. Capsules are supported on a cushion of air, featuring pressurized air and aerodynamic lift.

Residual air in the tube is captured, compressed, and forced through holes in skis attached to the bottom of the capsule. The gap between skis and the tube during operation is 0.5mm and 1.3mm.

Sunday, December 20, 2020


 Anuhya R
5th Sem B.Sc (EMCs)     

  • Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots.
  • The fields of robots are an impressive as it is varied and as dynamic as it is usefull.
  • Robots are automatically operated machines that replace human efforts.
  • Robots contain atleast some level of computer programming.
  • These technologies are used to develop machines that can replicate human actions.

Types of robots

  • Mobile robots : A mobile robot is a machine controlled by software that use sensors and other technology to identify its surroundings and move around its environment
  • Rolling robots: Rolling robots have wheels to move around. These are the type of robots that can quickly and easily search move around these are only useful in flat areas, rocky terrains given them ahead time. 
  • Walking robots: Robots on legs are usually brought in when the terrain is rocky and difficult to enter with wheels. 
  • Stationary robots: stationary robots are those that perform their task without charging positions. The robot moves above the base o perform the desired operation
  • Autonomous robots: Autonomous robots are self supporting or in other words self contained. 
  • Remote control robots: A robot that is teleoperated by any transmitting device, which in most cases is a remote, these robots are referred as remote controlled robot

Advantages of robots

  • Robots have the ability to work like humans .
  • They can work in any environment.
  • Robots eliminate dangerous jobs for humans  because they have capable of working in harder environment.
  • There will be no lunch break, holidays, sick, leave or shift time allocated for robot.
  • Industrial robots are able to complete certain tasks faster and better than people.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Data Warehousing

 Jayanth Kumar
1st Sem BCA, NCMS

Data warehousing is the process of constructing and using a data warehouse. A data warehouse is constructed by integrating data from multiple heterogeneous sources that support analytical reporting, structured and decision making. Data warehousing is the electronic storage of a large amount of information by a business or organization.

            * Amazon Redshift
            *Microsoft Azure
            * Google Big Query

            1.Enterprise data warehouse.
            2.Offline Data Warehouse.
            3.Real time data warehouse.
            4.Integrated data warehouse.

            *Speedy data retrieving
            *Error Identification and correction
            * Easy integrations

*Time consuming preparation
*Difficulty in compatibility
* Maintenance Costs.

Steps to Data warehousing
1. Determine Business Objectives
2. Collect and Analysis Information
3. Identify core Business processes
4. Set Tracking Duration
5. Implement the plan

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Role of Mathematics in Machine Learning


Four pillars for Machine Learning

The mathematics of machine learning theory is a field that intersects statistical, probabilistic, computer science, algorithmic aspects and finding hidden insights which can be used to build intelligent applications. 

Importance of mathematics in machine learning

  • Selecting the right algorithm which includes giving consideration to accuracy, training, time, model complexity, number of parameters and number of features.
  • Choosing parameter settings and validation strategies.
  • Identifying under fitting and over fitting by understanding the Bias variance trade off.
  • Estimating the right confidence interval and uncertainty.

Advantages :

  • Easily identifies trends and patterns
  • Continuous improvement
  • No human intervention needed
  • Wide applications
  • Handling multi-dimensional and multi-variety data

Disadvantages :

  • Data Acquisition
  • Time and Resources
  • Interpretation of results
  • High error susceptibility

        Mathematics for machine learning is an essential facet that is often overlooked or approached with the wrong perspective. As a soft prerequisite, there is an expectation that one should have a fair understanding of the mathematical concepts. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Natural Language Processing

1st Sem BCA, NCMS.

Natural language processing is a subfield of Linguistic, computer science and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language. It refers to speech analysis in both audible speech as well as text of a language. NLP systems capture meaning from an input of words (sentences, paragraphs, pages etc.) It makes possible for computers to read text, hear speech, interpret it, measure sentiment and determine which parts are important.


* Speech recognition 
* Document summarization 
* Machine translation 
* Spam detection
* Autocomplete 

Main Components:- 

1. Syntactic Analysis 
2. Semantic Analysis 
3. Discourse Integration 
4. Programmatic Analysis


* Allocates Human Resources effectively.
* Improve Customer Satisfaction. 
* Reduce costs and Inefficiencies 

To have a separate version of the product for each language and where appropriate for each dialect of a language.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

e is Everywhere

Keerthana M
 2nd BSc (EMCs)

The constant was discovered by the swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli while studying  compound interest . Later Euler started to use the letter ‘e’ for the constant in the year 1727.

The number ‘e’ , is a mathematical constant, and it is known as Euler’s number and the value of ‘e’ is approximately equal to 2.71828. e is not just a number it is most useful mathematical constant.

‘e’ is  used in the base of the natural logarithm . ‘e’ is also used in the limits of 〖[1+1/n]〗^n  

as n tends to infinity that arises in the study of compound interest. It can also be calculated as the sum of the infinite series. Use of e is in all branches of science and everyday life. 

Euler's identity eiπ+1=0 helps for those dealing with complex analysis, such as computer programming design for next revolutionary application, scientists planning for mission to mars.

In physics it used to find behaviour of quantum particles and also equations for light waves,  sound waves and quantum waves

'e' is used in probability theory. For example consider the die of 4 sides is rolled 4 times and the chance of not rolling a 1 is 0.3164, The die of 6 sides is rolled 6 times and the chance of not rolling a 1 is 0.3349, the die of 100 side is rolled 100 times and the chance of not rolling 1 is 0.366 , by this we can say the chance of rolling approximately equal to  1/e. That is 0.3679.

Take a pack of cards in proper order Shuffle it if we do randomly then there is 1/e chance that no card is in its original position. 

e is used to calculate compound interest, Invest 10,000 at 5%per annum for 7 years ,as we get  interest frequently, the value of investment for annual interest is ₹14,071, quarterly interest=14,160, monthly interest=14,180daily interest=14,190.

then by using exponentially it is 10,000 e^((.05*7)) =14,190.68.

Models for population growth and decline: e is used to calculate population growth and decay by using formula P=P0 ekt .

Where P= population growth after some amount of time,

P0= initial population, k= growth or decay rate, t= time.

Friday, December 11, 2020


1st Sem BCA, NCMS

Wireless communication is a method of transmitting information from one point to other , without using any connection like wires, cables or any physical medium. In the year 1897, GUGLIELMO MARCONI successfully demonstrated the wireless telegraphy by sending EM waves for short distance of 100 meters. Since the use of smoke signals, flags and flashing mirrors in the pre-historic period, wireless communications has been a part of human life and is continuously evolving. Throughout the development of wireless communication, there are many wireless systems and methods that flourished and many got disappeared. The best example for this is Telephone communication and Television transmission. Initially, all telephone related communications were carried out using wired network. But the rapid growth of mobile communication started to replace the complex wired telephone system. Now the wired technology became outdated and got replaced by wireless communication.

The transmitter takes information like audio or video, encodes it into a sine function, and transmits the function into the air in the form of an electromagnetic wave. The receiver detects the wave and decodes the data. Antennas are used by both transmitters to transmit waves and by receivers to detect them. Wireless communications involves transfers without any physical connections between two or more points. Because of the absence of any physical infrastructures.

Main components of a wireless network;

  1. Wireless access points.
  2. Network interface cards. 
Advantages of wireless communications:

  • COST: The cost of installing wires, cables and other infrastructures is eliminated.
  • MOBILITY: Freedom to move around while still connected to network.
  • EASE OF INSTALLATION: Setup and installation of these communications networks equipment and infrastructure is very easy and no worry about hassle of cables.
  • RELIABILITY: Since there are no cables there will be no chance of damage of cables.
  • DISASTER RECOVERY: During floods or disasters, the loss of communication infrastructures can be minimal.

Applications of wireless communications in various fields:

  • GPS
  • Infrared communication
  • Radar
  • Wifi
  • Bluetooth
  • Cordless phones
  • Satellite communications

Thursday, December 10, 2020


 Dayal A.S

Playstation(PS) is a video game console developed by Sony released in December 1994. Followed by Playstation 2 (PS2) in 2000, Playstation 3 (PS3) in 2006 and Playstation 4 (PS4) 2013.The next generation version of Playstation 5 (PS5) has released on recent days in Nov 2020 in Australia, Japan, North America, Japan, Korea, china and India. The new version of the console represented a significant improvement in terms of graphic quality and performance over the existing cartridge players of the PS4.

What’s new?

  • Even more power full game machine
  • Modern graphic features
  • PC based architectures.
  • New networking and interface features
  • Next generation controller
  • It has smooth graphics

Sony launched in two version of next generation consoles. A PS5 with 4K ultra Blu-ray disc drive for 49,000/-and Digital edition PS5 for 39,000/-.The PS5 introducing eight-core AMD ZEN 2 CPU and custom AMD Radeon RDNA 2-based GPU that provide 10.28teraflop of graphical power. It has 825GB SSD of storage and 16GB GDDR6 RAM. It supports 8K UHD outputs and promises 4K graphic display for realistic lighting and reflection, which can feel the realistic effects in games. Also it supports 3D audio effects. It has 3 USB ports and also a Ethernet port on the console and Dual sense Controller the next generation part of PS5.Sony’s PS5 developed by the tools ANSI C/C++ coding standards. So, it easy to compile, run the programs and connect different software for the PS5.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Recurrent Neural Network

 Varshini P
5th Sem BCA, NCMS

Recurrent Neural Network is a type of artificial neural network, commonly used in speech recognition and Natural language processing. Recurrent neural networks are designed to recognize a data’s sequential characteristics and use patterns to produce the next likely scenario. Recurrent Neural Networks are used in deep learning and in the development of  models that simulate the activity of neurons in the human brain. They are especially powerful in use cases  in which context is critical to predicting an outcome and are distinct from other types of artificial neural network because they use feedback loops to process a sequence of data, These feedback loops allow information to persist the effect is often described as memory.

Working of Recurrent Neural Networks

When we talk about traditional neural networks, all the outputs and inputs are independent of each other as shown in the below diagram:

But in the case of recurrent neural networks, the output from the previous steps is fed into the input of the current state. For instance, to predict the next letter of any word, or to predict the next word of the sentence, there is a need to remember the previous letters or the words and store them in some form of memory.The hidden layer is the one that remembers some information about the sequence

Pros of Recurrent Neural Network

  • An RNN model is modeled to remember each information throughout the time which is very helpful in any time series predictor.
  • Even if the input size is larger, the model size does not increase.
  • The weights can be shared across the time steps.

Cons of Recurrent Neural Network

  • Due to its recurrent nature, the computation is slow.
  • Training of RNN models can be difficult.

If we are using relu or tanh as activation functions, it becomes very difficult to process sequences that are very long.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Shivani K N

Virtual reality refers to a computer generated process in which a person can interact with an artificial three dimensional environment using electronic devices.

The term virtual reality was coined in 1987 by JARON LANIER. Virtual reality helps to create a relationship between the user and a virtual environment. Processing of virtual reality is a combination of both hardware and software.

Virtual reality consists of 3 types;

1.Non –immersive

2.Semi –immersive

3.Fully –immersive

Virtual reality includes some key elements;

Virtual world, an imaginary space that independently exist from the real world, interaction, comfort, education.

Common examples for virtual reality;

Learning, health care, recruitment, tourism etc.


Virtual reality is the presentation of a user  interface in 3D,while monitors and TV screens only allow a limited 3D experience, virtual reality can be a 360 degree immersive experience. Hardware part is used for viewing purposes,whilethe software can help to create environment. A simple example of this are the games, where a headgear attached HDHI cabels helps to transfer images from the box.


1.virtual reality in sports.

2.In military.

3.In space exploration.

4.In programing language.

5. In engineering and robotics.


1.Realistic scenarios. collaboration in work place.

3.Improves the quality of education in different fields.

4.Simplifies complex problems.

5.Helps with impressive visualisation.


1.Getting addicted.

2.Infective human connections.

3.Functionality issues.

4.Potential eye damage.

5.Possible impacts on real body.

The future of virtual reality is hard to predict but one thing for sure the world of environment is going to see a lot more of it. Virtual reality is starting to evolve into video games and movies.

Monday, December 7, 2020


3rd Sem B.Sc(EMCs)

Animations + Electronics = Animatronics

The concept was first developed for Disney Studios, used in 1954 films.

Animatronics is a hybrid of animation and electronics. It can be pre-customized (programming) or remotely controlled. The animations may perform developments or they might be inconceivably adaptable. It is the utilization of link pulled gadgets to quicken a reproduction of a human or a creature or carry similar attributes, in any case, lifeless thing.

An Animatronic is an automated small things that exhibits human or animal-like characteristics. Some of the features include walking on legs, eye movements, and crawling like a snake. Certain actions and features are developed using servo motors (to control the motion, angular position).

Animatronic actions incorporate creatures (counting dinosaurs), plants, and even legendary animals. A robot designed to be a convincing imitation of a human is more specifically labelled as an android.

It is a multi-disciplinary field that incorporates life systems, robots, mechatronics, and puppetry bringing about the exact activity. They are covered with body shells and versatile skins made of hard and sensitive plastic materials and finished with subtleties like tones, hair and plumes, and various parts to make the figure progressively sensible and real looking.

But many of its applications are restricted to the field of entertainment, When integrated with Artificial Intelligence, the concept can be used in health, education, and military industries.


Written by: PALLAVI V (Final year BCA) 1.     ABSTRACT: The integration of AI in Cryptography represents a significant advancement in ...