Monday, February 17, 2020

Answer for the Puzzle

1.     Ananda S D (4th SEM BSc)
2.     Nagendra N (4th SEM BSc)
3.     Malathi (4th SEM BSc)

 1.    Is it possible to navigate on the Moon using a compass?
2.    When flying, many insects make a sound. How is the sound produced?3.    When flying, which insect beats its wings at a faster rate – a housefly or a mosquito? How can you determine this?

Answers:1.     No. Unlike the earth, the moon has no global magnetic field.
2.     By vibrating their wings. In flight, insects beat their wings between 4 and 1000 beats per second. The beating produce waves of compressed and rarified air, which we interpret as sound.
3.     The mosquito- it makes a higher sound when flying. Insects such as mosquitoes and midges may beat their wings up to 1000 beats per second. These produce a high- pitched sound. Houseflies beat their wings at 190 beats per second which produce a lower pitch. Butterflies are so low (about 4 beats per second) that the sound they produce is inaudible to humans.

IoT Based Wild Life Misfortune Tracking Down Using Sensors by Creating an Alert

2nd year BCA, NCMS 

India is a home of most wild life sanctuaries; Indian biodiversity is home of different kinds of insects, snakes, arthropod, spiders and much more wild life. The space for wild animals is gradually decreasing as human are occupying forest area for their selfless activities, wildlife entering populated areas has recently become common problem in India. Newer days it creates great loss to property and life when wild animals enter cities.
We use latest technology such as (Internet of Things) IoT to create an alert system to possible wildlife leaving the forest. We propose low cost detectors and simple board computers to achieve this. We use deterrent such as making loud noise through speakers which prevents wild animals from leaving the forest. We make several IoT devices at the periphery of natural reserve to create an alert system. This system can be also used to find out miscellaneous criminals, smugglers and people illegally entering the forest. As if this problem continues at the same manner there would be a huge loss to the country and many wild and human lives may in danger.

As all we know recently the issue of wildlife entering human habitats have been increased in the search of food, it causing panic among the people. The reason behind the animals entering the human habitats is mainly DEFORSETION where the humans are cutting the bamboo tress so the elephants are entering the human area and also ILLLEGAL POUCHING, HUNTING, WATER SCARESITY there are the reason behind this.  Human beings are moving to animal habitat for their shelter, humans are destroying the forest for the purpose of log the mountains launching into railroads, cutting down grasslands, build fens and other activities.
To over this problem we have proposed this device “IoT Based Wild Life Misfortune Tracking Down Using Sensors by Creating an Alert” by the use of this device we can easily track down animals which are entering into human habitats by creating a sound with help of device sensors and it can also identify the illegal smugglers who are illegally entering the forest.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

NASA Scientist Map Wind Flow Pattern on Mars

Thousif Pasha 

BSc-P.M.E (2nd year)

 Washington: NASA scientists have mapped the global wind circulation patterns in the upper atmosphere of mars 120 to 300 km above the red planet’s surface.  The researches, including those from the university of Maryland, Baltimore country (UMBC) in the US, reprogrammed probes aboard NASA’S mars atmosphere and volatile evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft to collect wind measurements on the red planet.  The reprogramming allowed an instrument called the natural gas and mass spectrometer (NGIMS) Aboard to “swing back and forth like a windshield wiper fast enough, “the scientists said in a statement.  “On mars, the average circulation is steady, but if you take a snapshot at any given time, the winds are highly variable,” Benna said. The research team hopes to figure out whether the same basic process is in action on earth super atmosphere.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020



As soon as you go near dustbin the door of the dust bin will open automatically

  • Ø  Dustbin
  • Ø  Arduino uno board
  • Ø  Servo motor
  • Ø  Ultrasonic sensor
  • Ø  Jumper wires
  • Ø  Double sided foam tape
  • Ø  2 Soap boxes
  • Ø  9V battery
  • Ø  Sun board

  • v  Take a dustbin and make 2 holes at one side of the dustbin as the ultrasonic sensor fits into it.
  • v  Place the sensor from inside the dustbin and connect the jumper wires to all the pins
  • v  Cover the ultrasonic sensor with soap box so that dust you put into dustbin will not affect the sensor
  • v  Connect the ultrasonic as follows
    • o    Connect the ground of sensor to the ground of Arduino board
    • o    Connect the VCC of sensor to the 5V on Arduino board
    • o    Connect the trig pin to the digital pin 8 in Arduino board
    • o    Connect the echo pin to the digital pin 9 in Arduino board
  • v  Now paste Arduino board to dustbin
  • v  Take the sun board and cut it as shape and size of the top of the dustbin and paste it with cello tape on top side
  • v  Cut the sun board to ¾ of its length
  • v  Paste the servo motor to that ¾ piece of the sun board by Double sided foam tape
  • v  Take single side fan stick of servo motor and stick a strong material to it to flip the door of dustbin
  • v  Place it to servo motor
  • v  Now connect the servo motor to the Arduino uno board as follows
    • o    Connect the brown wire of servo motor to ground
    • o    Connect the red wire to the Vin
    • o    Connect the yellow wire to the digital pin 7
  • v  Cover the Arduino board with soap box leaving the power connecting pin and USB port
  • v  Now paste the 9V battery with Double sided foam tape
  • v  Upload the following code to the Arduino uno board
  • v  Now connect the 9V battery to Arduino uno board
  • v  Paste the prepared sun board to the top of the dustbin
  • v  Now your SMART DUSTBIN is ready



#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo1;
int trigPin = 9;
int echoPin = 8;
long distance;
long duration;

void setup()
 pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  if(distance <= 100){

void ultra(){
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = duration*0.034/2;


Likith.R BCA 2nd year NCMS

Monday, February 10, 2020

Paper Presentation at International Conference

NCMS students presented paper at International Conference on 7th February 2020 at Nagarjuna Degree College, Bengaluru.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Brain computer Interface Technology

2 nd year BCA, NCMS 

Brain computer interfaces enables user to control devices with electroencephalographic activity from within the brain. The main goal of the BCI research is to develop intelligent interfaces that allow disabled users to communicate with nanorobots and others. The majority of BCI systems work by reading and interpreting cortically – evoked electro- potentials obtained the electroencephalogram data. A Brain computer Interface allows controlling a computer by brain activity only without the need for muscle. As the power of modern computer grows alongside our understanding of the human brain we move ever closer to making some pretty spectacular science into reality. A Brain computer sometimes called a direct neurol interface or Brain machine interface. Most current BCIs are not invasive. BCIs are slow in comparison with normal human because of the complicity and noisness of the signals used as well as the time necessary to complete reconcition and signal processing.BCI acts as direct control over the activities of all individual neurons by means of nanorobots.Arbitary reador write access to the whole brain. This technology is a method of communication based on voluntary neurol activity generated by the brain and independent of its normal output pathways of peripheral nerves and muscles.


Written by: PALLAVI V (Final year BCA) 1.     ABSTRACT: The integration of AI in Cryptography represents a significant advancement in ...