Friday, November 17, 2023


Written by: Kavya Reddy (1st year MCA)


Nowadays, emails are used in almost every field, from business to education. Emails have two subcategories, i.e., ham and spam. Email spam, also called junk emails or unwanted emails, is a type of email that can be used to harm any user by wasting his/her time, computing resources, and stealing valuable information. The ratio of spam emails is increasing rapidly day by day. Spam detection and filtration are significant and enormous problems for email and IoT service providers nowadays. Among all the techniques developed for detecting and preventing spam, filtering email is one of the most essential and prominent approaches. Several machine learning and deep learning techniques have been used for this purpose, i.e., Naïve Bayes, decision trees, neural networks, and random forest. This paper surveys the machine learning techniques used for spam filtering techniques used in email and IoT platforms by classifying them into suitable categories. A comprehensive comparison of these techniques is also made based on accuracy, precision, recall, etc. In the end, comprehensive insights and future research directions are also discussed.


In the era of information technology, information sharing has become very easy and fast. Many platforms are available for users to share information anywhere across the world. Among all information sharing mediums, email is the simplest, cheapest, and the most rapid method of information sharing worldwide. But, due to their simplicity, emails are vulnerable to different kinds of attacks, and the most common and dangerous one is spam. No one wants to receive emails not related to their interest because they waste receivers’ time and resources. Besides, these emails can have malicious content hidden in the form of attachments or URLs that may lead to the host system’s security breaches. Spam is any irrelevant and unwanted message or email sent by the attacker to a significant number of recipients by using emails or any other medium of information sharing. So, it requires an immense demand for the security of the email system. Spam emails may carry viruses, rats, and Trojans. Attackers mostly use this technique for luring users towards online services. They may send spam emails that contain attachments with the multiple-file extension, packed URLs that lead the user to malicious and spamming websites and end up with some sort of data or financial fraud and identify theft. Many email providers allow their users to make keywords base rules that automatically filter emails. Still, this approach is not very useful because it is difficult, and users do not want to customize their emails, due to which spammers attack their email accounts.


In machine learning, spam filtering protocols use instance-based or memory-based learning methods to identify and classify incoming spam emails based on their resemblance to stored training examples of spam emails. See also email virus, ingress filtering, egress filtering, filter, firewall and phishing. The reason to do this is simple: by detecting unsolicited and unwanted emails, we can prevent spam messages from creeping into the user's inbox, thereby improving user experience.

User Management:

The user who is using this for the very first time must register, by using the website the user or the individual should get registered into it, by registering this will help to maintain separate account for each user. Registration of the user is must before they log in. The user will login to the main page with his registered name and password. Once the user successfully login the authorized page will be displayed otherwise that shows the error messages. Login is compulsory.

Login: The user will login to the main page with his registered name and password. Once the user successfully login the authorized page will be displayed otherwise that shows the error messages. Login is compulsory

Inbox: This page will store all of the mails received by user. All the received Mails will be listed sorted in order of date. Input: the inbox page will accept all the incoming emails sent to an individual. Output: the receiver can open and read the email received to their address.

Sent: This folder stores all the mails sent from the user. Input: here the sender will compose an email and send to the recipient.

Trash: This folder will store all of mails deleted by the user

Input: select and Delete all the unwanted emails.

Output: all the deleted emails are added in the trash bin. Trash bin stores all the deleted emails.


Email has been the most important medium of communication nowadays, through internet connectivity any message can be delivered to all aver the world. More than 270 billion emails are exchanged daily, about 57% of these are just spam emails. Spam emails, also known as non-self, are undesired commercial or malicious emails, which affects or hacks personal information like bank ,related to money or anything that causes destruction to single individual or a corporation or a group of people. Besides advertising, these may contain links to phishing or malware hosting websites set up to steal confidential information. Spam is a serious issue that is not just annoying to the end-users but also financially damaging and a security risk. Hence this system is designed in such a way that it detects unsolicited and unwanted emails and prevents them hence helping in reducing the spam message which would be of great benefit to individuals as well as to the company .



Written by: PALLAVI V (Final year BCA) 1.     ABSTRACT: The integration of AI in Cryptography represents a significant advancement in ...