Saturday, October 14, 2023

Vital Role of Mathematics in Medicine

 Ms. Jyothi L
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics

Medicine and Mathematics may seem like unlikely partners, but their collaboration has been indispensable in advancing the field of healthcare. Mathematical principles and techniques play a crucial role in various aspects of medicine, from diagnosing diseases to optimizing treatment strategies. In this article, we will explore the diverse applications of mathematics in medicine.

1. Medical Imaging: Mathematics is essential in the field of medical imaging, including X-ray, CT scans, MRI, and ultrasound. Techniques like Fourier transforms and algorithms for image reconstruction are used to create detailed images from raw data. Image processing and analysis also involve mathematical methods to enhance and interpret medical images.

2. Epidemiology: Epidemiologists use mathematical models to study the spread of diseases in populations. This includes modelling disease outbreaks, estimating the impact of vaccination campaigns, and predicating future disease trends. Concepts such as the basic reproduction number and differential equations are commonly used in epidemiological methods.

3. Biostatistics: Statistics is a fundamental tool in medical research. It is used to design experiments, analyse data, and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of treatments and inventions. Statistical methods also play a role in clinical trials, where they help determine if a new drug or treatment in safe and effective.

4. Dose Calculations in Radiation Therapy: In radiation therapy for cancer treatment, mathematical models are employed to calculate the optimal radiation dose and its precise delivery to target tissues while minimizing damage to healthy tissues.

5.Genetic Analysis: Genomics, a critical area of medicine, relies on mathematical algorithms to decipher complex genetic data. Bioinformatics, a field at the intersection of biology and mathematics, in essential for identifying genetic mutations, predicating disease risk, and developing personalized treatment plans.

The integration of mathematics and medicine has brought revolutionary advancements in healthcare. From diagnosing diseases with advanced imaging to optimizing drug treatments and managing healthcare resources, mathematics is a silent partner that significantly improves patient outcomes. As technology continues to advance, this partnership will likely yield even more innovative solutions for the medical challenges of tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

AI in Banking – How Artificial Intelligence used in Banks

  Lakshmi S. N

AI in banking apps and services has made the sector more customer-centric and technologically relevant. AI-based systems are now helping banks reduce costs by increasing productivity and making decisions based on information unfathomable to a human.In the banking sector, AI has provided amazing analytical technologies that simply improve the whole ecosystem of payment for the banks and the end consumers.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning play a vital role in the banking industry by providing security features as well as convenience to its customers.  AI technologies are revolutionizing traditional practices, streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, and mitigating risks.

The top AI trends in banking are :

The impact of AI in banking is immense, which has made different banking and financial companies keep themselves updated with the recent trends:

  • In banking, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are being used to improve customer service, offer individualized support, and effectively handle common inquiries.
  • Robotic Process Automation(RPA) automates routine manual operations, like data input and document processing, boosting operational effectiveness and lowering banking procedure errors.
  • By analysing massive volumes of data, finding trends, and detecting fraudulent activities in real time, AI is increasingly utilized to identify and prevent fraud.

How does AI help in banking

AI for corporate banking automates tasks, boosts customer services through chatbots, detects fraud, optimizes investment, and predicts market trends. This increases productivity, lowers costs, and provides more individualized services.

 How AI helps in banking risk management?

Here are some ways in which AI in banking risk management helps prevent cyber attacks. 

Data analysis: AI systems analyse vast amounts of data to spot trends and abnormalities that could be signs of danger.

Real-time monitoring: AI in digital banking keeps track of account activity and transaction data in real-time to quickly identify and address risks

Credit Decision: When financial services were reluctant to employ these technologies in their operations, add to the business models, even banks got ready to incorporate AI and ML in their functioning. Now, artificial intelligence is widely used in the development of banking apps. Fast and correct assessment of borrowers at lower costs.

Automated routine processes.
Dip in the costs to solve standard tasks.
Efficient and effective processing of huge amounts of data.
Improved client support system.

Fraud Detection and Security:In the fraud detection and security. AI algorithms analyse vast datasets in real-time to identify unusual patterns and anomalies, helping to detect fraudulent activities promptly. 

Mobile Banking :By using Artificial Intelligence in daily life, banks have gone entirely digital. Opening a bank account has never been easier, thanks to the paperless process. They now provide personalized mobile banking experiences to their customers with special offers on their services.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence into banking and finance is transforming the industry, enhancing efficiency, improving customer experiences, and enabling more informed decision-making. As financial institutions continue to adopt and adapt to AI technologies, the sector is poised for further innovation. However, with these advancements come challenges, such as ensuring data security, addressing ethical considerations, and navigating regulatory landscapes. The ongoing collaboration between technology experts, regulators, and financial institutions is essential to harness the full potential of AI while maintaining the integrity and trust that are fundamental to the banking and finance sector.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Mobile Commerce Technology


Mrs.Shalini K
Asst.Professor, Department of Commerce 

Mobile commerce also known as M-Commerce which involves using wireless devices like cellphones to do the commercial transaction such as buying and selling of goods through internet.  It has become an integral part of modern life, reshaping the way we shop, pay, communicate and do other activities. Mobile phones are one of the most commonly used gadgets in today’s world. As per the 2023 survey there are 6.8billion smartphone users are there in world wide. It has become a significant part of E-commerce, these devices serve as a primary platform for consumers to access online stores and interact with the business. Mobile marketing is a common technique that almost every companies are using.

Types of mobile commerce

Mobile shopping: In a busy schedule it is very difficult for an individual to visit the physical store to purchase necessary requirement. Mobile shopping helps them to buy the items at doorsteps through shopping applications, advertising in social media platform such as Instagram, Facebook, twitter etc., mobile shopping helps to know the product availability, can track the product and get updates of product delivered.

Mobile Banking: It is very convenient in today’s digital age with many bank offering impressive apps for customers like YONO SBI, Canara ai1, I Mobile Pay, bob world, Vyom bank etc., this helps the customer to get their financial statement without visiting a bank. Mobile banking allows customer to get information of deposit, pay for merchandise, transferring of money, we can receive money whenever we required without visiting bank.

Mobile Payment: Hard cash is very difficult to carry nowadays hence cashless payment can be made easy. Mobile payment enables users to buy products using digital wallets such as Gpay, Phone pe, Apple pay, paytm many more. Mobile consumers also use QR codes to pay for things on their mobile phone with mobile payments or users can directly send money to cell phone number or bank account of the recipient’s.

Main Mobile commerce technologies

SMS: Short message service is essentially structured interaction protocol used among mobile platform to share text message. It is easy to use that everyone can access it no matter what type of mobile they are using. With this mobile commerce technology user receive notifications such as bank updates, government news, alerts, offers and other kind of information.

WAP: Wireless application protocol is very suitable for users who do not have smartphones but they can use mobile WAP access services to transfer files, documents and images. It was a protocol specifically designed to enable internet access and web based services on mobile devices with limited capabilities. For an example with the help of Bluetooth we can easily transfer file, images, documents and applications.

 USSD: Unstructured supplementary service data is a communication services controlled by mobile network operators. It enables customers to send instructions to mobile financial services provider along with their personal identification number for authentication while enabling the mobile financial service provider to send responses to clients and confirm transaction. With the help of USSD on their mobiles users can check their account balances, pay bills, transfer money and perform other banking transaction.  It provides access for information related to price of the product, availability of the product and confirm the expected delivery of the product.

STK: SIM toolkit developers build an application that is stored on the subscriber identify modulecard. It allows the apps to request receiver information from SIM and gives command to mobile devices. Banks and financial institution uses the SIM toolkit to provide mobile banking services such as balance inquiries, fund transfer, bill payment directly from SIM card. It enables mobile to store payment information, allow customers to access discount coupons and rewards directly from their SIM cards.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Nanotechnology in the field of Electronics


Ms Shwetha 
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics 

Introduction on nanotechnology

Nano is a very tiny range of design using structures that human eye cannot see with naked eyes. It is in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers. A nanometer is a billionth of the meter or about the few size of an atom.The commonly used nanomaterials for electronic equipment are the carbon nanotubes, the quantum dots, and the surfacecoatings. Nanotechnology provides many opportunities for the innovation and development of the country. Nanotechnology is used to create new display technologies such as OLED and quantum dot displays. These displays offer higher resolution, better color reproduction and lower power consumption.  The use of nanotechnology allows electronics to be faster, smaller and more portable. It increases the power of electronic devices improves the memory chips and helps to reduce the power consumption and the size of transistors used in ICs. The average people already encounter nanotechnology in a range of everyday product where as

      Healthcare: To develop new drugs and treatment for disease.

  Energy: To develop new ways to generate and store energy e.g.,solar cells made with nanoparticles convert sunlight into electricity.

      Manufacturing: To develop new materials e.g., to create stronger and lighter materials.

      Security: To develop new ways to protect people and property e.g.,create sensors that can detect threats.

Environmental remediation: To clean up pollution and restore damage environment e.g.,nanoparticles are used to break the pollutants into harmless substance.

Robots: Nano actuators are used in robots to move the joints and control the grippers.

Smartphones: Nano sensors are used in smartphones to detect motion, proximity, and light.

 Laptops: Nano sensors are used in laptops to detect temperature, pressure, and humidity.

Wearable’s: Nano sensors are used in wearable devices, such as fitness trackers and smart watches, to detect heart rate, blood oxygen level, and other physiological signals.

Medical devices: Nano sensors are used in medical devices, such as pacemakers and insulin pumps, to monitor patient health.

Environmental monitoring devices: Nano sensors are used in environmental monitoring devices to detect pollutants and other environmental hazards 

Applications of Nanotechnology

 Laser in communication: In optical fiber communication laser bandwidth is very high compared to the radio and microwave communication more channels can be transmitted simultaneously

 Laser in industry: It is used to blast holes in hard steel, can cut, drill, weld and remove metal from surface

 Laser in medical science: Argon and CO2are used in treatment of liver and lungs and it is also used in eye treatment for removing blood vessels that formed on retina

 Laser in military: A laser beam can be bounced off a target such as enemy air plane, high energy laser are used to destroy enemy air crafts

Nano electrochemical system

Sensors and Actuators

A sensor is the device that can detect and sense the signals. The signals may be biomedical, optical, electrical, and mechanical. A sensor is a transducer that converts a measurement into a signal that carries information. The Nano sensor is used to detect the presence of nanomaterial in that size even smaller

Types of Nano sensors are:

      Biosensors: These sensors detect biological molecules, such as DNA, proteins, or bacteria. They are used in medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and food safety.

      Chemical sensors: These sensors detect chemicals, such as pollutants, explosives, or drugs. They are used in environmental monitoring, security, and healthcare.

      Physical sensors: These sensors detect physical quantities, such as temperature, pressure, or force. They are used in a variety of applications, including manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare.

 Risk and Challenges of Nanotechnology

It also possesses some risk on human health and environment as well as for legal, ethical and social aspects, on rapid development of the production of material containing metal nanoparticles and metal oxides have potential risk to the environment for instance some nanomaterial’s may be toxic or harmful to living being also. Hence it is very important to raise public awareness the sources of exposure to nanoparticles should be highlighted, and should be clearly analyze the drawbacks and harmfulness of the technology before implementing to living beings.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Docker vs. Kubernetes: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Containerized Applications


Article by,
II Sem Master of Computer Applications,

Sub Title: Unravelling the Containerization Conundrum


In today's fast-paced tech world, developers are constantly on the lookout for cutting-edge solutions to enhance their applications. Docker and Kubernetes are two names that frequently emerge in these discussions, serving as cornerstones of modern application deployment and management. However, understanding when to deploy Docker, Kubernetes, or a combination of both can be a daunting task. In this article, we will delve into the roles of Docker and Kubernetes, identify the gaps in their usage, and dispel common misconceptions.


Docker: The Cornerstone of Containerization


Docker has transformed the application packaging and deployment landscape. It offers a compatible environment for running applications across diverse machines, eliminating the notorious "It works on my machine" issue. Docker empowers developers to encapsulate their applications and dependencies into containers, ensuring consistent performance in any environment.


Simplified deployment is a hallmark of Docker. Developers can create container images and store them in registries. These images can be effortlessly retrieved and executed on various servers using Docker commands or Docker Compose for multi-container applications. Docker's strength lies in creating isolated environments for applications, making it an excellent choice for development and testing.


Identifying the Gaps


As applications grow and gain more users, new challenges surface. Operations engineers may find themselves overwhelmed by the complexity of managing a scaled-up Docker infrastructure. Let's pinpoint some of the gaps:


1.Scaling Challenges: Mere duplication of existing infrastructure may not suffice when web traffic surges. Replicating the entire stack on new hardware becomes unwieldy as the number of microservices and components increases.


2. Microservice Orchestration Complexity: Docker simplifies container scaling, but orchestrating numerous microservices individually can turn into a scripting nightmare. Integrating new microservices seamlessly into the existing infrastructure becomes a significant challenge.


Kubernetes: Bridging the Gaps


This is where Kubernetes steps in. Kubernetes is an orchestration tool designed to work seamlessly with Docker containers, simplifying the management of large-scale containerized applications. It brings several key advantages to the table:


1. Efficient Deployment: Kubernetes streamlines deployment with abstractions like "Deployments." These abstractions manage the lifecycle of containerized applications, ensuring continuous operation and automatic scaling when needed.


2. Streamlined Development: Kubernetes deploys load balancers for microservices and provides service registry and discovery capabilities. Applications can communicate with each other using service names, streamlining development and reducing complexity.


3. Built-in Monitoring: Kubernetes includes built-in monitoring capabilities, encompassing log management and CPU load tracking. Advanced tools like Istio can offer in-depth insights into running applications, enhancing visibility and control.


Suggesting Clarifications


The misconception that one must choose between Docker and Kubernetes should be addressed. Kubernetes complements Docker, allowing organizations to leverage their existing Docker workloads while effectively handling the complexities of scaling. Here's a summary of the key takeaways:


- Docker is an excellent starting point for containerization, especially for development and testing.


- Kubernetes is the go-to solution for scaling containerized applications, simplifying deployment, and streamlining development and operations.


- Starting with Kubernetes, even for smaller applications, can prepare you for future scalability challenges.


- Transitioning existing Docker applications to Kubernetes can reduce operational overhead as your application scales.


Written by: PALLAVI V (Final year BCA) 1.     ABSTRACT: The integration of AI in Cryptography represents a significant advancement in ...