Thursday, March 12, 2020


Likith 4th sem BCA
Nandhini D 4th Sem BCA

Program to print all vowels and consonant characters of a string separately

Write a code in any programming language.
Solution should be submitted on or before 11/03/2020 with explanation
First 5 students who will submit the solution earlier  will be considered as winners.
Name of the winners will be displayed on NOTICE board by next Wednesday.


void main()
    char text[100];
    int i;
    printf("Enter any string: ");
    printf("String is: ");
    printf("VOWEL Characters are: ");
        if(text[i]=='A' || text[i]=='a' || text[i]=='E' ||
text[i]=='e' || text[i]=='I' || text[i]=='i' || text[i]=='O' ||
text[i]=='o' || text[i]=='U' || text[i]=='u')
    printf("CONSONANT Characters are: ");
        if(!(text[i]=='A' || text[i]=='a' || text[i]=='E' ||
text[i]=='e' || text[i]=='I' || text[i]=='i' || text[i]=='O' ||
text[i]=='o' || text[i]=='U' || text[i]=='u'))

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Rakshith S

6th Sem BCA, NCMS

Controlling LEDs with voice command seems to be a difficult task, but it’s easy and you can quickly build it. We just need an Arduino UNO to serially communicate with HC-06 Bluetooth module and a smartphone to send voice command to Bluetooth module HC-06. For receiving voice command we are using “Arduino Bluetooth Voice Controller” android app which you can download from play store (link is given below)

Material Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • HC-06 Bluetooth Module
  • LEDs (Red, and Green)
  • Resistor 220 ohm (2 nos.)
  • Arduino Bluetooth Voice Controller (
  • Breadboard
  • Connecting wires


#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
String value;
int TxD = 11;
int RxD = 10;
int servoposition;
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(TxD, RxD);
void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin(9600);       // start serial communication at 9600bps
void loop() {
 if (bluetooth.available())
    value = bluetooth.readString();
    if (value == "all LED turn on"){
    digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);  
    if (value == "all LED turn off"){
      digitalWrite(2, LOW); 
      digitalWrite(3, LOW);       
    if (value == "turn on Red LED"){
    digitalWrite(2, HIGH); 
    if (value == "turn on green LED"){
      digitalWrite(3, HIGH);       
    if (value == "turn off red LED"){
    digitalWrite(2, LOW); 
    if (value == "turn off green LED"){
      digitalWrite(3, LOW);       

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Try This App-Algorithm: Explained and Animated


2nd Year BCA, NCMS

Algorithms: Explained and Animated is an android application developed by Moriteru Ishida and Yuki Mitsumori. It helps us to learn algorithms by watching and trying. The wide-ranging field of algorithms is explained clearly and concisely with animations. Deepen your understanding by exploring concepts in "Sim Mode". Also includes algorithms closer to home involving encryption and security. This helps people to understand the complicated algorithms very easily.
Included topics:
3.List Search
4.Graph Search
6.Data Compression
8.Data Structures
9.The Web and recursion
The algorithms are explained with animations which improves your understanding.  This app can offer a great chance to learn algorithms naturally. The animation makes it easy to understand. People can learn the concepts very easily. People will enjoy throughout learning.
Other apps charge money and there will be trouble while logging in etc., but this app will charge you nothing. It’s a free app. We will be able to clearly understand all the concepts. If you know the algorithms then it is easy to write the program. This app helps us to understand the algorithms in a better way.
This app is recommended for students will pursued there degree in the field of computer science, information science.
Link to download the app:

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Puneetha D S and Ravindra Reddy P M - Students of 2nd Year BCA - Successfully completed 40 Hours Certification program in "Python for Machine Learning" conducted by Electronics & ICT Academy, IIT Roorkee in association with cloudxlab.

Friday, March 6, 2020


2nd Year B.SC, NCMS

Components Required:

  1. LDR
  2. Resistor 1k
  3. LED lights
  4. Transistor 2222a
  5. Battery 9v

When the power is supplied to the circuit it automatically turns on and off depending on the intensity of light. During light the LDR gives high resistor due to this the voltage passing through the base will become less than 9v and then LDR glows. During day time LDR gives low resistance due to this the voltage through the base will become greater than 5v and it switches the current to emitter and then light turns off.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

Termux-Android Terminal Emulator

Kumuda Priya 2nd Year BCA, NCMS

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment application that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically; additional packages are available using the APT package manager. Termux is first and foremost a command line environment. There’s no fancy user interface with shiny buttons to be found here.
Fortunately, Android is Linux at its core. And Termux builds on this existing infrastructure. It provides a command line environment and allows you to install Linux apps on your Android device.

It combines powerful terminal emulation with an extensive Linux package collection.

• Enjoy the bash and zsh shells.
• Edit files with nano and vim.
• Access servers over ssh.
• Develop in C with clang, make and gdb.
• Use the python console as a pocket calculator.
• Check out projects with git and subversion.

While many Android apps (e.g. “code editors”) provide the ability to write code, they may not provide the languages themselves. With Termux you can test the code right on your device. It offers standard distributions of programming languages such as:
BASH shell (the default available out of the box, and a great way to get started hacking around)
Python (both v2 and v3 are available)
termux bash script

Termux is a super-compact application that opens up a lot of functionality for your Android device. The command line is one of the most powerful features of Linux, and Termux builds on your device’s Linux kernel to make you more efficient on the go. And who knows, maybe dabbling with these applications will convince you to take the plunge on the desktop as well.

Click Here to download Termux

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Coding Question for the Week

Program to print all vowels and consonant characters of a string separately

Write a code in any programming language.
Solution should be submitted on or before 11/03/2020 with explanation
First 5 students who will submit the solution earlier  will be considered as winners.
Name of the winners will be displayed on NOTICE board by next Wednesday.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Congratulations !!!

BCA 3rd Year Student Rakshith won First Prize in Science Talk- "Ethical Hacking"
and Second Prize in Science Live Model-"Wi-Fi Jammer" which was held at NDC, Bengaluru


Click Here to view first Edition of PRAGYAN TABLOID


Written by: PALLAVI V (Final year BCA) 1.     ABSTRACT: The integration of AI in Cryptography represents a significant advancement in ...